Critical overviews from the front line of ionic liquids research
Ionic Liquids Further UnCOILed: Critical Expert Overviews continues the discussion of new processes and developments in ionic liquid technology introduced in the first volume. Written by an international group of key academic and industrial chemists, this next book in the series includes eleven overviews of specific areas of ionic liquid chemistry including:
Physicochemical properties of ionic liquids
A patent survey
Ionic liquid membrane technology
Critical overviews from the front line of ionic liquids research
Ionic Liquids Further UnCOILed: Critical Expert Overviews con...
Critical overviews from the front line of ionic liquids research
Ionic Liquids Completely UnCOILed: Critical Expert Overviews concludes the discussion of new processes and developments in ionic liquid technology introduced in the previously published volumes, "Ionic Liquids UnCOILed" and "Ionic Liquids Further UnCOILed."
The goal of this volume is to provide expert overviews that range from applied to theoretical, synthetic to structural, and analytical to toxicological. The value of book lies in the authors' expertise, and their willingness to share it with the reader.
Written by...
Critical overviews from the front line of ionic liquids research
Ionic Liquids Completely UnCOILed: Critical Expert Overviews concludes the disc...