Protein engineering is the generation of novel protein molecule, endowed with new function by mutagenesis and completely novel molecules, it is a one of the most promising developments in engineering to understand and control a proteins function. At present proteins fold remains elusive, theoretical and experimental studies of protein folding have come a long way. Protein libraries can enable to generate novel molecular tools and potential therapeutics by directed evolution and engineered proteins are important as therapeutics, diagnostics, and imaging agents in biological systems. Combining...
Protein engineering is the generation of novel protein molecule, endowed with new function by mutagenesis and completely novel molecules, it is a one ...
Nanoinformatics is the new approach for integrating the nano data in the scientific development and implementation of nanoparticles and nanodevices in the various fields. It is a collection, validation, storing, sharing, analyzing, modeling, and applying that information at a nanoscale in both the laboratory and living organisms. It has a decisive impact on utilization of networked communication tools to launch and support efficient communities of practice. Nanoinformatics is necessary for intelligent development and comparative characterization of nanomaterials to design and use of...
Nanoinformatics is the new approach for integrating the nano data in the scientific development and implementation of nanoparticles and nanodevices in...