MAN UP Becoming a Godly Man in an Ungodly world was written by pastor, author and speaker Jody Burkeen. His god given vision to challenge men to stop being spiritual sissies, MAN UP and except Gods challenge to be "the light of the world" inspired him to put this vision in a book to share with others. Jody's self-described "Damascus Road Transformation" led him on a journey to search the scripture to find what he had been missing his whole life, Jesus Christ. In this journey, the Word if God took over in a way he never expected. Searching for men in the church to help in him in his walk, he...
MAN UP Becoming a Godly Man in an Ungodly world was written by pastor, author and speaker Jody Burkeen. His god given vision to challenge men to stop...
Live by faith as a modern-day Christian without getting stuck on the hamster wheel of pointless belief What if professing Christians actually made Jesus the Lord of their lives in a real, practical way? Imagine the world-transforming power that would be unleashed if the people of God actively displayed His character Jody Burkeen, founder and president of MAN UP God s Way Ministries, boldly dispels the dangerous assumption among Christians that spiritual growth is passive. The godly life won t happen automatically. It requires constant, earnest effort on the believer s part to exhibit...
Live by faith as a modern-day Christian without getting stuck on the hamster wheel of pointless belief What if professing Christians actually made Je...