Kevin Conners climbs up a Gothic house at night to remove a pigeon nuisance. Peering in an attic window, he sees the dead body of a girl about his age, seventeen. Plus, there is a man dressed all in black brandishing a wicked knife. Pursued, Kevin falls two stories and that should be The End, but it is just the beginning.
Kevin Conners climbs up a Gothic house at night to remove a pigeon nuisance. Peering in an attic window, he sees the dead body of a girl about his age...
Henrietta and her little dog sleep out in a metal tool shed in the backyard to avoid the hexes her mother regularly puts on them. But all that changes when Henrietta is given a small wooden talisman she must never reveal to anyone. To learn more about one of the most powerful young witches in the world and her unique destiny, visit the author's website at
Henrietta and her little dog sleep out in a metal tool shed in the backyard to avoid the hexes her mother regularly puts on them. But all that changes...