The book centers around a young boy who enters this world as a product of lust. From the start, life is hard as he experiences severe abuse from his mother, and a father who's excessive adulterous affairs only adds to the turmoil. Eventually he is old enough that he can take care of himself and no longer take the abuse from his mother. He also confronts his father about his consorted past and directs that it must stop. While he is successful in sports and academics, he is surrounded by friends that only care for prescription medication. He tries his best to not enter this world of...
The book centers around a young boy who enters this world as a product of lust. From the start, life is hard as he experiences severe abuse from his m...
Ian Branch is a worldwide bestselling author that has achieved such heights that no author has ever achieved. But behind the successful author is an unassuming CEO of BlackStone Corp, a worldwide company that is the most powerful and richest company in the world. While he has everything that many would sacrifice for, Ian would sacrifice all to move past this period in his life in which his words are caged and his heart is a barren wasteland. It's at this time, when a young woman, Sky Pinnacle, and her husband Todd Pinnacle, come to live across the lake from Ian. Todd, who is an up and coming...
Ian Branch is a worldwide bestselling author that has achieved such heights that no author has ever achieved. But behind the successful author is an u...