Nuclear storm clouds are threatening to destroy our world as the nations prepare themselves for the Great Battle of Armageddon. "Rushing to Armageddon" takes a challenging look at modern events in the light of Bible prophecy relating to the promised return of Christ. The nations have an appointment with Almighty God at "the place called in Hebrew, Armageddon" (Revelation 15:16). Where will it all end?
Nuclear storm clouds are threatening to destroy our world as the nations prepare themselves for the Great Battle of Armageddon. "Rushing to Armageddon...
We are living in one of the most exciting times in this world's history while we await the Return of Jesus Christ and the Rapture of the Church. Compelling evidence for His Soon Return can be seen all around us as we examine modern events in the light of the Scriptures. I believe the Scriptures make a strong case for the Rapture of the Church. It's the next exciting event on our Christian calendar. "The Rapture" briefly examines the Lord's Promise to return for His Church and the Early Church expectation of this great event. Many Bible scholars taught about the Rapture in the early history of...
We are living in one of the most exciting times in this world's history while we await the Return of Jesus Christ and the Rapture of the Church. Compe...