Engler presents the story of a young girl who grows up in a rural Catholic school, spending her freshman year in a convent, and finally reaching for young adulthood in what many would call a dysfunctional family.
Engler presents the story of a young girl who grows up in a rural Catholic school, spending her freshman year in a convent, and finally reaching for y...
'Two Weddings' continues with family lines that had their beginnings in 'Amelia's Story'. Strangers eventually come to visit, and in due course become very close, ultimately merging with this clan. Troubles occur, although the loving support of others gets each through rough times. There is a disappointing business trip to England, the hope of a renewed career, concern over what's to become of the Kensington's staff, who will ask whom to marry, and when and where weddings should take place. These are a few of the puzzling questions that must be resolved for everyone to move on with their...
'Two Weddings' continues with family lines that had their beginnings in 'Amelia's Story'. Strangers eventually come to visit, and in due course become...