Based on the author's life, entwined with fictional elements, Kellie's Curse: Sometimes the Safest Place Is Inside a Shell introduces us to Crystal Collie as she struggles with her father's paranoid schizophrenia and her erratic mother's depression. This compelling story is set in Port Melbourne during the 1960s, where the sensitive, creative Crystal tries to come to terms with her bewildering world. Eventually, Crystal uses her wiles and artistic talents to overcome her taunting demons - the painful memories of anorexia, rape, domestic violence, losing her soul-mate in horrific...
Based on the author's life, entwined with fictional elements, Kellie's Curse: Sometimes the Safest Place Is Inside a Shell introduces us to Crystal Co...
Bad Moon Rising is the sequel to Kellie s Curse. Set in Port Melbourne, Australia in the 1960s, it is the engaging story of the flamboyant Kellie Earl, her handsome and artistic brother Billy, and their glamorous and enigmatic Russian mother, Jana Zirakov. When Jana first arrived in Australia, she was pregnant with Kellie and Billy was two years old. Jana hopes to put the horrors of her past behind her and start a new life, but is bitterly disappointed. Years later, Jana unwisely brings unsavory boyfriends into their home and Kellie is raped. Kellie ends up killing the man. At twenty-eight,...
Bad Moon Rising is the sequel to Kellie s Curse. Set in Port Melbourne, Australia in the 1960s, it is the engaging story of the flamboyant Kellie Earl...