Paul Edward Kaloostia Sean William Kaloostia Carolyn Louisa Kaloostia
The USMLE Step 3 examination is a large stepping stone that one must pass in the long journey to become a knowledgeable and capable physician. The majority of questions are based on a clinical story that is presented and aims to test one's ability to perform critical thinking and to predict the next step in management and treatment. And so with this in mind, we have embarked on this mission to find a way to document and present this complex information in a manner that would be most beneficial for our students. We hope that as you read these books you will not only be able to memorize and...
The USMLE Step 3 examination is a large stepping stone that one must pass in the long journey to become a knowledgeable and capable physician. The maj...
This is a USMLE Step 2 Board Review Textbook written by three physicians currently in residency. They share insights into learning the immense material required to be a knowledgeable and dedicated physician.
This is a USMLE Step 2 Board Review Textbook written by three physicians currently in residency. They share insights into learning the immense materia...
Paul Edward Kaloostia Sean William Kaloostia Carolyn Louisa Kaloostia
Pediatric Neurosurgery is a complex subspecialty. The pathology is so diverse and the patients so fragile. We have tried to illustrate common as well as the more rare pathological conditions that afflict the pediatric population. I learned much from my attendings and senior residents, but each case was yet again so different that I wished there was some text that would describe the thought processes and management for these patients. This way I would be more prepared to understand the patient's disease and speak to the patient and family with more experience and specifics. Thus, we have...
Pediatric Neurosurgery is a complex subspecialty. The pathology is so diverse and the patients so fragile. We have tried to illustrate common as well ...
Paul Edward Kaloostia Sean William Kaloostia Carolyn Louisa Kaloostia
This is the first edition of the Pediatric Neurology Clinical Vignettes Textbook. This topic is truly fascinating. The cases described are real life cases experienced by the authors and each tells a different tale about pediatric neurological disorders. We present cases and detail questions that highlight unique aspects of the diagnosis and treatment of the case. Each of these stories has provided insight for the authors in their journey through medicine and we wanted to share these stories with you. We hope that as you read through this text you will come to learn more about diagnosing and...
This is the first edition of the Pediatric Neurology Clinical Vignettes Textbook. This topic is truly fascinating. The cases described are real life c...
Few understand the life that physicians and surgeons lead. They communicate with people that have no where else to go for help. They are brought face to face with challenging medical conditions and are required to be at their best all the time in order to heal the sick and suffering. I often talk with friends who are not in medicine about my hours and cases and they always seem to be unaware, and often times uninterested, in what we do for a living. We have been given a tremendous responsibility to enter the lives of other human beings in order to learn more about their problems in an attempt...
Few understand the life that physicians and surgeons lead. They communicate with people that have no where else to go for help. They are brought face ...
Paul Edward Kaloostia Sean William Kaloostia Carolyn Louisa Kaloostia
We hope that after studying and testing oneself in this textbook that one has learned the information we feel is commonly tested on the USMLE Step 2 board examination. We have included the most high yield pathological conditions and have used the information presented in the text book to prepare appropriate USMLE 2 style questions. We remember the process of going through USMLE 1 to 3, and then continuing with our Specialty board examinations. After much attention and review, we feel that we have come to a better understanding of how to approach these examinations and how best to study the...
We hope that after studying and testing oneself in this textbook that one has learned the information we feel is commonly tested on the USMLE Step 2 b...