Book Forward by: Shaun Murphy, from Bob Seger and also Eric Clapton's band...... "Once you pick it up (Silver Radio), you won't be able to set it down."/ A few words from author Bob Watts. "As a long time radio personality and for the first time ever, I am sharing publicly the events and happenings from both my radio career and also personal life that occurred during my radio career. I temporarily left radio to make more time to write "Silver Radio." I gave some early print "book proofs" of "Silver Radio" to a few people in the radio and music industry, and although all of them said they...
Book Forward by: Shaun Murphy, from Bob Seger and also Eric Clapton's band...... "Once you pick it up (Silver Radio), you won't be able to set it down...
Early in the 1940s it wasn't unusual to hear the word Mafia as it was almost an everyday word. Today in the year 2012 it is seldom heard not that it isn't still around but the times have changed and It is more sophisticated with big business and doing things legal so as not to be as conspicuous as back in the early years of the 1930s through the 50s and 60s. You may remember going to the small grocery stores and would see a fellow come in and one stand out front with long black coats and just look at the store owner as he opened the cash register and took out a certain amount of protection...
Early in the 1940s it wasn't unusual to hear the word Mafia as it was almost an everyday word. Today in the year 2012 it is seldom heard not that it i...