Human-Robot Interaction in Social Robotics explores important issues in designing a robot system that works with people in everyday environments.Edited by leading figures in the field of social robotics, it draws on contributions by researchers working on the Robovie project at the ATR Intelligent Robotics and Communication Laboratories, a world leader in humanoid interactive robotics. The book brings together, in one volume, technical and empirical research that was previously scattered throughout the literature.
Taking a networked robot approach,...
Human-Robot Interaction in Social Robotics explores important issues in designing a robot system that works with people in everyda...
Subtitled Synthetic Approaches, this book takes a robotics and engineering perspective, to investigate human cognitive function, to develop human-friendly Information and Robot Technology systems, and to better grasp what kind of beings we humans are.
Subtitled Synthetic Approaches, this book takes a robotics and engineering perspective, to investigate human cognitive function, to develop human-frie...
Subtitled Analytic Approaches, this book probes topics in cognitive and neuroscience. The aim is to investigate human cognitive function, to develop human-friendly Information and Robot Technology systems, and to better grasp what kind of beings we humans are.
Subtitled Analytic Approaches, this book probes topics in cognitive and neuroscience. The aim is to investigate human cognitive function, to develop h...
Operators of the Geminoid feel the robot's body as their own, and people encountering the teleoperated Geminoid perceive the robot's body as being possessed by the operator as well.Where does the feeling of human presence come from?
Operators of the Geminoid feel the robot's body as their own, and people encountering the teleoperated Geminoid perceive the robot's body as being pos...