Bediako, an electrifying new voice in urban historical suspense fiction, delivers his second explosive work, filled with heart-stopping action as Ra Heru Khuti, in his ancient warrior form, travels through time to fulfill his divine plan and avert a world disaster.
Bediako, an electrifying new voice in urban historical suspense fiction, delivers his second explosive work, filled with heart-stopping action as Ra H...
Behutet is an urban Khamitic genre - a true blend of the ancient with the present where dynamic characters transcend time. Behutet has skillfully created a new genre integrating Khamitic cosmology into contemporary lifestyle. Before the creation of such Greek Heroes as Ares, Poseidon, Zeus, Apollo, Hercules, Argamemnon etc., - there existed the Khamitic legend of Heru (Herukhuti) of Behutet - who symbolizes the ultimate victory over evil Many of the heroes of Greek mythology conceal the Khamitic and the Cretan origins of Greek civilization Ra Heru Khuti's life suddenly changes when he...
Behutet is an urban Khamitic genre - a true blend of the ancient with the present where dynamic characters transcend time. Behutet has skillfully crea...
Leaves of Life, Volume1: Single Plants, the author of the Behutet series and native of Guyana, posits the view that herbal medicine is becoming more popular in contemporary life and that there is a herbal remedy for any ailment. Scientists have come to recognize the capacity of the rainforest to treat or cure ailments and diseases that plague modern life, such as AIDS, cancers, venereal diseases, heart problems, diabetes, Alzheimer's, arthritis, infertility, leukemia, multiple sclerosis and more. This priceless resource of over one hundred and twenty single Plants, thought to be lost over the...
Leaves of Life, Volume1: Single Plants, the author of the Behutet series and native of Guyana, posits the view that herbal medicine is becoming more p...