Genre: Mystery, Thriller Characters: 5 males, 2 females Scenery: Simple Set In Dreams, two very unlike individuals become aware of each other and eventually come to fear each other by means of their very real nightmares and daydreams. A young lawyer awakens in terror and dread. He had been in an abandoned building; a sadistic policeman was beating him, demanding to know where he had hidden the stolen drugs. The woman at his side, who says she is his wife, the mother of his two children, comforts him. She says, "It was just a dream." A moment later, a young drug addict awakens in throbbing...
Genre: Mystery, Thriller Characters: 5 males, 2 females Scenery: Simple Set In Dreams, two very unlike individuals become aware of each other and even...
"Together Again" spans a touching and stormy relationship through three reunions. When Chrissie and Joe meet, something both dreadful and wonderful occurs. The story begins in the apartment of an aspiring young actress. Chrissie, an acting student, is about to host her acting class' fifth reunion, when her hero, Joe, a rising young Hollywood star, arrives an hour too soon. Ten years later, at the fifteenth reunion party, Chrissie is still studying drama, while Joe has won an Academy Award. The third reunion, ten years later, finds them together yet again in the hours before the reunion party....
"Together Again" spans a touching and stormy relationship through three reunions. When Chrissie and Joe meet, something both dreadful and wonderful oc...