Long before that first breath there was tremendous preparation for this journey. We were assisted by the wisdom of the wisest sages, guardians who agreed to walk with us and guides who agreed to assist us in reaching the pinnacle of success in this journey. We did not start this alone and we will not end it alone. ..". For Lo, I will be with you, even to the end." We knew this then; it gave us the courage to embark, and we still remember at some primal level, that we came with a plan and were endowed with all that we require to complete that plan successfully.
Long before that first breath there was tremendous preparation for this journey. We were assisted by the wisdom of the wisest sages, guardians who agr...
Stop Fighting Start Winning is a powerful guide to understanding and embracing planet Earth's ascension into the 4th Dimension. It is filled with useful exercises and information that will help you develop new approaches to understand this journey of unparalleled opportunities
Stop Fighting Start Winning is a powerful guide to understanding and embracing planet Earth's ascension into the 4th Dimension. It is filled with usef...
Many times people are uncomfortable around those who have experienced a deep and painful loss, even if they are friends. For the one who has endured the loss it is a pain filled and halting process to arrive at a place where you can speak at all and harder still to speak of the loss. There lies within all of us that inner child who says if you don't say it maybe it won't be real. Trauma creates a strong bond; nothing can be as traumatic as having someone you love ripped from your life. Sharing is a healing experience for all. There is nothing so profound as the tears that fall from our...
Many times people are uncomfortable around those who have experienced a deep and painful loss, even if they are friends. For the one who has endured t...