In Search of the Alchemist is the second installment a series of stories about eight individuals who are brought together once more by events beyond their control. The story begins with the discovery of the poisoning of a pristine arctic bay, and takes the heroes into the depths of the earth. The characters discover new pieces to the puzzle of a journey they thought had already ended. This facet of their journey raises more questions than it answers. but it also brings them closer to one another, building bonds that will be necessary to see them through the challenges ahead.
In Search of the Alchemist is the second installment a series of stories about eight individuals who are brought together once more by events beyond t...
The third installment of The Quest of Eight unravels some of the history leading up to books one and two, and which is illuminated in the rest of the saga. The Flight of the Wedgamaroon tells the story of two proteges gone bad and the power of the pendant of the Enchantress.
The third installment of The Quest of Eight unravels some of the history leading up to books one and two, and which is illuminated in the rest of the ...
The Return of the Fury is part one of a series of stories about eight individuals who meet each other on what almost seems to be a predestined journey to discover the source of an ominous storm that has turned villagers from the diverse parts of their world to stone. The story begins with a faerie and a forest creature, from cultures that had previously been at war with one another for centuries, teaming up. Along the way they meet and are joined in their travel by a mountain princess and her sorcerer, a princess of the sea sprites and an enchantress. The last two members, a pathfinder and a...
The Return of the Fury is part one of a series of stories about eight individuals who meet each other on what almost seems to be a predestined journey...
The fourth part of the Quest of Eight saga. In this chapter, competing forces race to the fortress of the Alchemist: Virkio. They are searching for a piece of the Enchantress's pendant and the key to releasing the forces of evil - or keeping them safely locked away.
The fourth part of the Quest of Eight saga. In this chapter, competing forces race to the fortress of the Alchemist: Virkio. They are searching for a ...
In the fifth volume of the Quest of Eight saga, the spells of the Alchemist and the Enchantress, after two thousand years, are being undone. One by one, ancient sorcerers are being freed from imprisonment and the plans to defeat them begin to unravel.
In the fifth volume of the Quest of Eight saga, the spells of the Alchemist and the Enchantress, after two thousand years, are being undone. One by on...
Ad Paria is the seventh and final story in the Quest of Eight saga. All is revealed in the battle to keep the Kelpies from fully reuniting and regaining control.
Ad Paria is the seventh and final story in the Quest of Eight saga. All is revealed in the battle to keep the Kelpies from fully reuniting and regaini...
Quest of Eight Addendum: The Other Side of the Boravak is an encore edition. It features new villains and new heroes in a world turned up-side-down and inside-out. It takes up two thousand years after part Six - but does it?
Quest of Eight Addendum: The Other Side of the Boravak is an encore edition. It features new villains and new heroes in a world turned up-side-down an...