The Civil War transformed American life. Not only did thousands of men die on battlefields and millions of slaves become free; cultural institutions reshaped themselves in the context of the war and its aftermath. The first book to examine the Civil War's immediate and long-term impact on higher education, Reconstructing the Campus begins by tracing college communities' responses to the secession crisis and the outbreak of war. Students made supplies for the armies or left campus to fight. Professors joined the war effort or struggled to keep colleges open. The Union and Confederacy...
The Civil War transformed American life. Not only did thousands of men die on battlefields and millions of slaves become free; cultural institution...
Volume 12 of the "Correspondence of James K. Polk" documents a critical seven months in one of America s most transformational presidencies. Polk was the eleventh U.S. president (1845 49). Many of this volume s letters chronicle the Tennessean s prosecution of the Mexican War, a conflict that, along with his 1846 acquisition of what is today s Pacific Northwest, increased by one-third the size of the United States. The letters, most of them until now unpublished, also lift the veil on the personal life and business affairs of one of the most private men ever to occupy the presidency. ...
Volume 12 of the "Correspondence of James K. Polk" documents a critical seven months in one of America s most transformational presidencies. Polk was ...
In the second half of 1845 the focus of Polk s correspondence shifted from those issues relating to the formation of his administration and distribution of part patronage to those that would give shape and consequence to his presidency: the admission of Texas, preparation for its defense, restoration of diplomatic relations with Mexico, and termination of joint occupancy of the Oregon Country. For the most part the incoming letters tended to urge rather more militancy on the Texas and Oregon questions than Polk would adopt, and notions of national destiny registered a singular theme of...
In the second half of 1845 the focus of Polk s correspondence shifted from those issues relating to the formation of his administration and distributi...