This book is a facsimilie reproduction of the original 1857 manuscript held in the Archive of the Royal Gunpowder Mills, Waltham Abbey. It contains information pertaining to the historical significance of the Royal Gunpowder Mills. It is the 2nd volume in the Royal Gunpowder Mills Historical Reprint Series. For more information about the Archive, visit: http: //
Description - from the Preface:
Having been requested to write an Article on the Manufacture of Gunpowder for the Aide Memoire, to replace the present pages on this...
This book is a facsimilie reproduction of the original 1857 manuscript held in the Archive of the Royal Gunpowder Mills, Waltham Abbey. It contain...
This book is a facsimilie reproduction, including 14 illustrations, of the original 1888 manuscript held in the Archive of the Royal Gunpowder Mills, Waltham Abbey. It contains information pertaining to the industrial archaeology and historical significance of the Royal Gunpowder Mills. It is the 3rd volume in the Royal Gunpowder Mills Historical Reprint Series. For more information about the Archive, visit: http: //
Description - from the Preface:
This handbook is founded upon "Notes on Gunpowder' and Guncotton," drawn up by...
This book is a facsimilie reproduction, including 14 illustrations, of the original 1888 manuscript held in the Archive of the Royal Gunpowder Mil...
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Um die Welt unserer Traume zu retten, reist Lara zu den Wurzeln ihrer Fantasie. Ein Abenteuer in ein vergessenes Reich beginnt und zugleich ein bitterer Kampf gegen Laras Feinde, die zerstorerischen Nebelmenschen. Wird Lara es schaffen, sich ihre Traume zu bewahren, das Geheimnis der Nebelmanner zu luften und den grauen Dunst aus ihrer Fantasie zu vertreiben?
Kinder- und Jugendbuch ab 10 Jahren - Fantasy
Nebel bedrohen Mokinis Heimat, und gemeinsam machen sich die...
Was passiert mit Deinen Traumen, wenn Du sie vergisst?
Um die Welt unserer Traume zu retten, reist Lara zu den Wurzeln ihrer Fantasi...
One man. Three women. Twelve days to achieve Yuletide sexual glory Christmas is coming and Matt Bunion is on a mission. Somehow, he's made the huge mistake of remaining a virgin well into his twenties - a grievous error he fully intends to rectify before the Queen's speech starts. But it's not going to be easy... What with strange requests to molest living room furniture, painfully inserted action figures, and an extremely festive lady of the night, Matt will be lucky to reach Boxing Day with his pride and manhood still intact. From the best-selling author of LOVE... FROM...
One man. Three women. Twelve days to achieve Yuletide sexual glory Christmas is coming and Matt Bunion is on a mission. Somehow, he's made the h...
Amigo lector, tiene usted en sus manos la narrativa de la maravillosa experiencia que yo vivi y disfrute incursionando cinco dias y sus noches entre la fastuosa y pristina selva de Peten, en el norte de Guatemala, para conocer el mas antiguo sitio arqueologico de la zona: El Mirador. Autentica cuna de la civilizacion maya y primera ciudad Estado del continente americano. De tal suerte, a traves de esta, usted tambien podra conocer la odisea que implica recorrer a pie o a lomo de mula los cerca de 150 kilometros entre la selva que la aventura exige, la abundante naturaleza del entorno y los...
Amigo lector, tiene usted en sus manos la narrativa de la maravillosa experiencia que yo vivi y disfrute incursionando cinco dias y sus noches entre l...