This anthology explores the role of children and teenagers in Latin American and Spanish Film as protagonists, victims and witnesses of societies polarized by and still grappling with the consequences of political divisions.
This anthology explores the role of children and teenagers in Latin American and Spanish Film as protagonists, victims and witnesses of societies pola...
Screening Minors in Latin American Cinema is the first volume to delve into the construction of children's subjectivity and agency in Latin American film, and addresses such questions as: How and to what extent do films express the point of view of the child? How do plots and film practices represent children's subjectivity and agency? Childhood studies has demonstrated the importance of examining the lives of children. Building on those insights, together with current research from film studies and Latin American cultural studies, the essays in this volume analyze the development of agency...
Screening Minors in Latin American Cinema is the first volume to delve into the construction of children's subjectivity and agency in Latin American f...
This anthology explores the role of children and teenagers in Latin American and Spanish Film as protagonists, victims and witnesses of societies polarized by and still grappling with the consequences of political divisions.
This anthology explores the role of children and teenagers in Latin American and Spanish Film as protagonists, victims and witnesses of societies pola...