Remember the weird kid with the greasy hair and the odd smell you went to school with? You know, the one who never talked to anyone? That creepy little jerk who sat alone at lunch? The oddball who never took a shower in gym class? The one you imagined might one day go on a shooting spree? Believe it or not, that kid grew up. He grew up, he got married, he never shot a single person, he wrote a book, and he even started taking showers after his workouts - most of the time. Goats Eat Cans is his story. Follow along as Steven Novak recounts the sometimes hilarious, sometimes hilariously painful,...
Remember the weird kid with the greasy hair and the odd smell you went to school with? You know, the one who never talked to anyone? That creepy littl...
A Victorian mansion in a swanky San Francisco neighborhood is the setting for The First Step, a recovery house for a colorful cast of female ex-felons. Florence, the wealthy octogenarian benefactress, has underwritten blue collar social worker Shalese's dream. At what price do our dreams come true? Is someone really getting away with murder? When Shalese's ex-lover Mab--lesbian bar owner by night, PI by day--uncovers Florence's unsavory history, the women of The First Step find themselves temporarily homeless. Turning grapes into wine, Shalese, her partner Jenny--a trust-fund baby and...
A Victorian mansion in a swanky San Francisco neighborhood is the setting for The First Step, a recovery house for a colorful cast of female ex-felons...