Howard J. Shatz Louay Constant Francisco Perez-Arce
This report provides a special focus on the challenges youth face in employment and education in Mongolia, using a new survey developed by the Institute for Labour Studies and RAND. Understanding the constraints to youth job-market success is critical to Mongolia s economic future. The analysis showed relatively high rates of youth not in school or work, and challenges to job-market preparation, but also improvement in job-market outcomes."
This report provides a special focus on the challenges youth face in employment and education in Mongolia, using a new survey developed by the Institu...
Francisco Perez-Arce Ernesto F. Amaral Haijing Huang
The authors review recent trends in inequality in outcomes and opportunity and present evidence on their correlation across countries and within countries across time, then present a framework to understand the mechanisms underlying the relationship between inequalities in income and opportunity and discuss the potential effects of policies on opportunity and how these can be quantitatively assessed.
The authors review recent trends in inequality in outcomes and opportunity and present evidence on their correlation across countries and within count...