Following the death of her beloved husband, Rayn retreats to her new home by the sea, anticipating a life less stressful. But she soon finds herself drawn into the rescue of a failing, 100 year old, Episcopal Church. Within months, church elders hire a young priest to facilitate the work, with the help of Rayn and other church members. Unbeknownst to Rayn, while the church flourishes with new life, the priest is destroying her own life with outrageous and false claims, including that she is really a man with false breasts who is stalking him-a crime punishable by imprisonment. These lies are...
Following the death of her beloved husband, Rayn retreats to her new home by the sea, anticipating a life less stressful. But she soon finds herself d...
Grammar for Grown-ups is a new-concept grammar book designed to help busy adults correct their grammar mistakes; and they are making a lot of them. For example:
The dean of the graduate School of Journalism at U.C., Berkeley said in an interview, "It serves you and I."
After an attorney's client was convicted of the murder of her husband by "accidentally" running him over three times, he said, "I feel badly for her.
An overheard comment at a party, "She is whom she has always been, only more so."
The above mistakes--and sixty...
Grammar for Grown-ups is a new-concept grammar book designed to help busy adults correct their grammar mistakes; and they are making a lot...