How to easily get from struggle and heartbreak to daily happiness with 10 simple steps If you are like me, you're tired of the struggle and heartbreak of life too. A year before I began writing this book, my life was in turmoil. I was sick of struggling to make ends meet. I was heartbroken at losing the love of my life, and I felt like I was at the end of my rope. I knew I had to make a change. I was already familiar with "The Secret," the idea that we could "manifest" whatever we want. And I'd been able to use it successfully for "some" things. But I still struggled to manifest...
How to easily get from struggle and heartbreak to daily happiness with 10 simple steps If you are like me, you're tired of the struggle and heartb...
Ever feel like you just don't have enough time? Many of my clients are searching for balance between their work, home, hobbies and social lives, or have goals and dreams that they don't feel they can ever accomplish, usually due to the fact that they don't feel like they have enough time. My personal method of goal setting, time lining, and time management is a uniquely tweaked compendium of best practices from many sources, including my own inventive techniques. This method works, even for those who hate lists and 'living by the clock' because it creates a framework that really frees you up...
Ever feel like you just don't have enough time? Many of my clients are searching for balance between their work, home, hobbies and social lives, or ha...
Have you ever had your heart broken? Are you tired of serial monogamy or endless dating and want to have the best relationship(s) of your life? Are you in a relationship now, but it's "in a rut"? Have you reached your full sexual potential? Unfortunately... the secrets to powerful love, amazing orgasmic sex, and "magical" success in relationships are just not taught in school When you use the new skills and awareness contained within this book, you will understand both yourself & others as never before, and gain the ability to have the easy, happy, and satisfying relationships you've always...
Have you ever had your heart broken? Are you tired of serial monogamy or endless dating and want to have the best relationship(s) of your life? Are yo...