Critical psychology argues that all ways of knowing involve power relations. Women s spirituality in the form of witchcraft and sorcery are prime examples of the way modernity and the European colonial project impacted indigenous peoples and women s ways of knowing. Feminist Spirituality under Capitalism discusses the importance of women s spiritual knowledge throughout history and under the current socio-economic consensus. Within a critical analysis of the subjugation of certain knowledges, it investigates in particular the role that psychology and psychiatry have played in the...
Critical psychology argues that all ways of knowing involve power relations. Women s spirituality in the form of witchcraft and sorcery are prime e...
Critical psychology argues that all ways of knowing involve power relations. Women s spirituality in the form of witchcraft and sorcery are prime examples of the way modernity and the European colonial project impacted indigenous peoples and women s ways of knowing. Feminist Spirituality under Capitalism discusses the importance of women s spiritual knowledge throughout history and under the current socio-economic consensus. Within a critical analysis of the subjugation of certain knowledges, it investigates in particular the role that psychology and psychiatry have played in the...
Critical psychology argues that all ways of knowing involve power relations. Women s spirituality in the form of witchcraft and sorcery are prime e...