... Psychologically, graphically, and realistically told - a story of the future that doesn't reflect of spaceships, and robots - but more so on the sociopathic, and racial diversity of the United States' penal system at its breaking point - and beyond . An American President that takes it upon himself, to rein in - and use every technological advantage at his disposal to punish the ones who rejected the notion of human restraint long before the three dirty-bombs were simultaneously detonated in separate Federal Penal Facilities on January 1st, 2028 ... What happens when the most...
... Psychologically, graphically, and realistically told - a story of the future that doesn't reflect of spaceships, and robots - but more so on the s...
Forged within the shadows of Ancient Rome ... both BC, and AD, as well as from the feet of the Christehimself, a bloodline would eventually find its way to 1500's Northern Europe - selfishly, sadistically, and defiantly, conquered and enslaved through one woman ... Vonchesca Barringstonne . Through countless violent centuries of blood, and controlled mayhem - thousands of lives would be forever sacrificed to help afford the many different crowns she had worn . The Princess would eventually, and fatefully guide herself upon a self-serving Clan bred through the blood of Rome - nestling itself...
Forged within the shadows of Ancient Rome ... both BC, and AD, as well as from the feet of the Christehimself, a bloodline would eventually find its w...
... One hundred years have passed since that fateful moment when Vonchesca Barringstonne selfishly sank her teeth deep into the flesh of Yorris Folkhe ... since that stolen moment in time, Yorris healed, gained complete control of his immortal being, and became the Perfect Creature who rapidly rose to power - anointed himself King by violent invasion, and outright occupation on two previous occasions . During the second rule of Yorris's shadow, he found his current mortal Queen, Ellouez Thelos Worthers . Together they ruled for over fifty years before finding themselves alone, in front of the...
... One hundred years have passed since that fateful moment when Vonchesca Barringstonne selfishly sank her teeth deep into the flesh of Yorris Folkhe...