Many Christians believe that we are getting close to the second coming of Jesus and that that the end of the world is near. They are right to think that we are getting close to a change of season, but because they do not understand the times and seasons, they are looking for the wrong events. The problem is that popular teaching about the last days, a seven-year tribulation, a rapture and millennium has led to confusion about times and season. The timetables produced by the end-time teachers have been wrong again and again. This book takes a different approach. It begins with the ministry of...
Many Christians believe that we are getting close to the second coming of Jesus and that that the end of the world is near. They are right to think th...
Healing and sickness are critical issues for the church. The Bible teaches that gift of salvation includes both forgiveness and healing in the same package. Jesus confirmed this by healing wherever he went. He healed so many sick people that even his enemies had to take him seriously. Healing the sick was crucial for the success of the early church. The modern Christian practice falls far short of their experience. This book provides fifteen keys that will help God's people obtain greater victory over pain and sickness. Here are some of them. - The gift of healing confirms the gospel, so it...
Healing and sickness are critical issues for the church. The Bible teaches that gift of salvation includes both forgiveness and healing in the same pa...
Lack of vision and direction limits the modern church. Many Christians just go from fad to fad, with nothing followed through to completion. Many churches have to obtain a vision by copying other successful churches. The Bible says that without a vision the people will perish (Prov 29:18). A dearth of prophets has caused a lack of vision in the church. The church needs prophets to give a clear call to battle. It is currently losing the battle because it does not have a focused strategy. A great babble of voices all claim to have the truth and Christians are tossed around by every new wave...
Lack of vision and direction limits the modern church. Many Christians just go from fad to fad, with nothing followed through to completion. Many chur...
Government is a huge problem in the modern world. Many people are controlled by cruel and greedy despots. They are crying out for freedom, but political change just brings more of the same. In democratic nations, massive expectations have been piled on human governments, as people find more and more problems for governments to solve. Governments have gained immense political power, despite their inability to deal effectively with their existing responsibilities. Their failure to deliver what they promise has created huge disappointment and frustration. People often vote for change, but...
Government is a huge problem in the modern world. Many people are controlled by cruel and greedy despots. They are crying out for freedom, but politic...