God has given the five-fold ministry to the church. They are imparting to us what we don't have yet although it is available. In the teachings of Apostle Paul, he released many secrets and insights into the understanding of how the people of God can receive impartations from other ministries. In this book you will discover many of the secret truths revealed so that you too may begin your exciting journey of receiving impartations.
God has given the five-fold ministry to the church. They are imparting to us what we don't have yet although it is available. In the teachings of Apos...
Once you have experienced a portal, it never closes to you but is always there. You can revisit portals. One of the ways to do that is called "the power of positive remembrance." When you come to the place where you remember what God did, you have access back through the portal to get more miracles. Any place where there is a portal, there are signs, wonders, miracles, and the supernatural.
Once you have experienced a portal, it never closes to you but is always there. You can revisit portals. One of the ways to do that is called "the pow...
God has always planned to pour out His Spirit in an awesome way upon His people. He has also planned to use His people in healing, signs, wonders, and miracles in order to confirm His ministry and His message in the earth. As I was compiling the information found in this book God began to reveal to me the secrets and the insights to overcoming the greatest hindrance to His power and glory. I also began to see that as we overcome our own flesh through His Word and His Spirit that the fullness of His glory and His anointing can flow through us at a much greater capacity. That's when we will...
God has always planned to pour out His Spirit in an awesome way upon His people. He has also planned to use His people in healing, signs, wonders, and...
The way we receive is by faith. Everything we need is already provided, but we have to receive it. The way we receive it is through faith and ultimately through believing. If my needs exceed the amount of faith I have, then I must increase my faith and go to a new level. In Mathew 8:5-10 Jesus is speaking to a centurion who had a level of faith that Jesus said he had never seen before. In other words this man's faith went to a new dimension. And that new dimension enable him to believe and receive miracles at the spoken word of Jesus. In the pages of this book you'll find the secrets that...
The way we receive is by faith. Everything we need is already provided, but we have to receive it. The way we receive it is through faith and ultimate...
When Jesus took the stripes upon His back, it was a finished work. When He died on the cross and said, "it is finished," it was finished. Jesus doesn't have to go back to the cross for you in order for you to be healed, saved or to prosper. "It is finished" means it is complete. You are complete in Jesus. Then what is the problem? We don't know it yet. We don't know how to harvest what is already ours. God is teaching us how to get what is already laid up for us.
When Jesus took the stripes upon His back, it was a finished work. When He died on the cross and said, "it is finished," it was finished. Jesus doesn'...
This teaching has to do with God manifesting forth vessels of glory. We are His vessels that He wants to manifest His glory through. He can't do that unless we cooperate. When Jesus turned the water into wine He said that it was done to manifest His glory. But it couldn't have happened without using vessels. Two things happened in that story. Jesus told the servants to fill the vessels and then draw out. We are vessels that God wants to use this book teaches what it takes to fill the vessels as well as what it takes to draw what has been put into them. What is put into the vessel can also be...
This teaching has to do with God manifesting forth vessels of glory. We are His vessels that He wants to manifest His glory through. He can't do that ...
Did you know that we are supposed to have covenants with each other in the body of Christ? There are also supposed to be covenants with five-fold ministry. You are supposed to have a pastor that you call "my pastor." You are supposed to have an apostle that you call "my apostle." A prophet about whom you can say, "That is my prophet." That is "my teacher." That is "my evangelist." We are to be in covenant with each other and with the five-fold ministry. The five-fold should look at you and say, "That is my partner. That is my helper. That is one who stood beside me and helped me do what I am...
Did you know that we are supposed to have covenants with each other in the body of Christ? There are also supposed to be covenants with five-fold mini...
We will get into the two kinds of peace and how you get the God kind. We will also talk about peacemakers, the peace process, and how to establish peace. Peace has to start from within you. We are supposed to be proclaiming peace, preaching the gospel of peace. Your feet should be shod with the preparation of the gospel of peace. You can't preach peace if you don't know what it is. Peace is not what we thought it was. Using the Greek and the Hebrew we will explore it. We will also make a connection between authority and peace. There is a divine connection between the two. Without authority...
We will get into the two kinds of peace and how you get the God kind. We will also talk about peacemakers, the peace process, and how to establish pea...