Durante nuestra lucha diaria enfrentamos las Incertidumbres? y Razonamiento. Las constantes celebraciones de Accion de Gracias deben centrarse en estar Dando Gracias, la accion de agradecer sinceramente a nuestro Dios todopoderoso Jehova. Cumplir con sus mandatos garantiza que no estemos Manchados con enganos terrenales y que podamos seguir protegiendo nuestro jardin espiritual y el medio ambiente. Al cultivar los frutos del Espiritu, comenzamos Halando Malezas y Plantando Semillas. Nuestra obediencia a Jehova nos permite seguir Previniendo Problemas para que El reciba nuestra atencion...
Durante nuestra lucha diaria enfrentamos las Incertidumbres? y Razonamiento. Las constantes celebraciones de Accion de Gracias deben centrarse en esta...
Profound Poets encourages individuals reading to remain cognizant that our children are not only the church of today but also of tomorrow. Children worship and praise the same God we do as our Lord is actively present in all our lives. Our children's hearts are also geared toward honoring Him. As parents, guardians, and family members, understanding that the Christian Discipleship process begins at home, we must empower and encourage our children, God's children, to seek our Lords face, connect with His heart and pursue His guidance. Children's ideas are very relevant and we must remind them...
Profound Poets encourages individuals reading to remain cognizant that our children are not only the church of today but also of tomorrow. Children wo...