"By uniting J.D. Salinger and Quentin Tarentino, Lohrius offers a heady, page-turning read ride with street cred." - Kirkus Indie Review
Goody Boothe is a 15-year-old prodigy torn between a repressive mom, a cadre of ultra-wealthy new friends charmed by his inner city roots and a Machiavellian cousin who exploits him as a criminal accomplice. It isn't until he finds a 60s hippie manual called The Kingdom of Laughter that a new trip begins. The results are quietly psychedelic, shamelessly erotic and, at times, maybe even a bit cataclysmic.
"By uniting J.D. Salinger and Quentin Tarentino, Lohrius offers a heady, page-turning read ride with street cred." - Kirkus Indie Review