Advanced Control of Wheeled Inverted Pendulum Systems is an orderly presentation of recent ideas for overcoming the complications inherent in the control of wheeled inverted pendulum (WIP) systems, in the presence of uncertain dynamics, nonholonomic kinematic constraints as well as underactuated configurations. The text leads the reader in a theoretical exploration of problems in kinematics, dynamics modeling, advanced control design techniques and trajectory generation for WIPs. An important concern is how to deal with various uncertainties associated with the nominal model,...
Advanced Control of Wheeled Inverted Pendulum Systems is an orderly presentation of recent ideas for overcoming the complications inh...
This book introduces a unique, packet-based co-design control framework for networked control systems. It then verifies the proposed control framework both theoretically and experimentally - the former using multiple control methodologies, and the latter using a unique online test rig for networked control systems.
This book introduces a unique, packet-based co-design control framework for networked control systems. It then verifies the proposed control framework...