If you have ever seen a zoo, you have something in common with Freckles-on-one-foot. However, neither the rest of his heron community nor the tigers he knows have ever seen one. Freckles' adventure begins when he discovers the existence of this singular place where animals live encaged. In his travels, Freckles discovers that those who have never seen a zoo have created myths about them. He also discovers that those who live in a zoo dream about freedom, but don't dare try to escape. Can Freckles free the caged tigers? Bilingual text in Spanish and English with ideas to think about....
If you have ever seen a zoo, you have something in common with Freckles-on-one-foot. However, neither the rest of his heron community nor the tiger...
On August 15, 1914, four hundred one years since Balboa and his men cut their way through the Darien, the S.S. Ancon crossed the Isthmus of Panama from the Atlantic to the Pacific Ocean. The trip took just over nine hours and forty minutes, and she did it without a hitch. Here are the details of that historic voyage. Trilingual story in French, Spanish and English. Approved by Panama's Ministry of Education as a complementary text for use in the classroom.
Embarque sur le S.S. Ancon pour la premiEre traversEe officielle par le Canal de Panama Conte trilingue en franCais, espagnol...
On August 15, 1914, four hundred one years since Balboa and his men cut their way through the Darien, the S.S. Ancon crossed the Isthmus of Panama ...