"You Can't Move an Elephant in One Day" is a heart-warming story about the determination of three boys who set out to solve what appears to be an insurmountable problem. With the help of family and neighbors, they learn a valuable lesson that will last a lifetime. Written by Nicolle Brazil, Illustrated by Kerry G. Johnson
"You Can't Move an Elephant in One Day" is a heart-warming story about the determination of three boys who set out to solve what appears to be an insu...
Soap and Bubbles is a fun story designed to entertain young children, as well as encourage creative thinking. The author writes about the hectic, but fun time she experiences as she tries to get her young son to take a bubble bath. The book also encourages learning by the use of rhyme, language and storytelling.
Soap and Bubbles is a fun story designed to entertain young children, as well as encourage creative thinking. The author writes about the hectic, but ...