"It is time that we turn to the divine Other outside of correlationism, to discover again its nature and to witness its truth as creator and sustainer of worlds . . . Only on the basis of divine creation can the radical contingency of the world and its openness to its own miraculous nature be fully thought." What should philosophical theology look like after the critique of Onto-theo-logy, after Phenomenology, and in the age of Speculative Realism? What does Kabbalah have to say to Philosophy? Since Kant and especially since Husserl, philosophy has only permitted itself to speak about...
"It is time that we turn to the divine Other outside of correlationism, to discover again its nature and to witness its truth as creator and sustainer...
It is the contention of this book that the two discourses of set theory and bible codes are fundamentally connected to each other. That is, there is a union to be struck between an analysis of Torah codes and the mathematical discourse of infinity. In this book, the author attempts to outline a realist theological ontology of set theory with particular attention given to issues surrounding the Continuum Hypothesis, the Axiom of Choice, Forcing, and Large Cardinals. Ultimately, the purpose of this theological ontology is to uncover the meaning and nature of sacred scripture itself. In doing...
It is the contention of this book that the two discourses of set theory and bible codes are fundamentally connected to each other. That is, there is a...
Mentation is ostensibly an attempt to synthesize the best current theory we have about consciousness (Hameroff and Penrose's Orch OR theory), about the mind (the computational theory of the mind-in particular as articulated by Jerry Fodor), and about the fundamental nature of the brain (Karl Pribram's holonomic theory) into a single philosophy of mind. As part of this synthesis, this text advocates that the very neural correlate of consciousness has been discovered (and notes the consequences) and that fundamentally the mind makes use of, what the author calls, wave form computation. Various...
Mentation is ostensibly an attempt to synthesize the best current theory we have about consciousness (Hameroff and Penrose's Orch OR theory), about th...
Critique of Chaos is a conceptual polemic aimed at those the text dubs 'ontological anarchists'-today's advocates of metaphysical chaos and confusion, of chance and indeterminacy. In place of a philosophy of disorder, a pancomputational realist interpretation of existence is proposed and defended. This realist vision is marshaled against the computational anti-realism of philosophers like John Searle and Hilary Putnam. Such a pancomputationalist theory relies in particular on the most fundamental insight of Stephen Wolfram's ongoing research into the nature of computing-that rules themselves...
Critique of Chaos is a conceptual polemic aimed at those the text dubs 'ontological anarchists'-today's advocates of metaphysical chaos and confusion,...