Stormi Claver is a seventeen-year-old girl living in a land driven by prejudice and fear. When Stormi is captured by Rylan, the rogue Finin prince, she fears her death is near, for their clans share a common curse - to war with one another until none remain. Her fear heightens when she learns Rylan is taking her to the Temple of the Swords - home of the evil Goddess that cursed their clans; a place where no Claver has ever left alive. Stormi knows her brother, Gideon, pursues her rescue, but her captor continues to evade him. While the desire to kill one another burns strong in Stormi and...
Stormi Claver is a seventeen-year-old girl living in a land driven by prejudice and fear. When Stormi is captured by Rylan, the rogue Finin prince, sh...