In Esperanza School: A Grassroots Community School in Honduras, Eloisa Rodriguez takes us into the daily lived experiences of members of a community school, Esperanza School, situated in a rural area in Honduras. Her work engages readers in a critical analysis of what Esperanza School represents for the community. Rodriguez explores the characteristics that have made Esperanza School a community school; in vivid, life-like detail, she describes how Esperanza School functions as the heart of the community by providing opportunities for impoverished youth to attend the school, facilitating...
In Esperanza School: A Grassroots Community School in Honduras, Eloisa Rodriguez takes us into the daily lived experiences of members of a community s...
In Esperanza School: A Grassroots Community School in Honduras, Eloisa Rodriguez takes us into the daily lived experiences of members of a community school, Esperanza School, situated in a rural area in Honduras. Her work engages readers in a critical analysis of what Esperanza School represents for the community. Rodriguez explores the characteristics that have made Esperanza School a community school; in vivid, life-like detail, she describes how Esperanza School functions as the heart of the community by providing opportunities for impoverished youth to attend the school, facilitating...
In Esperanza School: A Grassroots Community School in Honduras, Eloisa Rodriguez takes us into the daily lived experiences of members of a community s...