Follow this orphan through two orphanages in Pennsylvania from the age of 2 until the age of 14 when he runs away and lives on the streets of Philadelphia. A four year stint in the US Air Force is followed by a concurrent pursuit of education including law school while working as a conductor on the railroad and publishing a small town newspaper. Many relationships are attempted but none succeed. A despicable crime earns him a punishment of a 20 year sentence in Folsom State Prison in California. Considered the most violent US prison in the 80s, cunning, luck and mainly faith allow him to...
Follow this orphan through two orphanages in Pennsylvania from the age of 2 until the age of 14 when he runs away and lives on the streets of Philadel...
Follow this orphan's mental, physical and sexual abuse while he lived in two orphanages in Pennsylvania from the age of 2 until the age of 14. In 1954 he runs away and lives on the streets of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. A four year stint in the US Air Force is followed by a concurrent pursuit of education including law school while working as a conductor on the railroad and publishing a small town newspaper. Many relationships are attempted but none succeed. A despicable crime earns him a punishment of a 20 year sentence in Folsom State Prison in California. Considered the most violent US...
Follow this orphan's mental, physical and sexual abuse while he lived in two orphanages in Pennsylvania from the age of 2 until the age of 14. In 1954...