Take away all a man has. Burn away every sense but that of pain. Blow away the ashes of everything he once was and will no longer be. What remains? Something deadly. Make a man into such a thing, and you make him into something worse than an animal. Such a creature is capable of anything, since it is willing to do anything. Become anything. Anything it has to be to end its suffering and die properly. After a terrible crime, Maxwell Deem chooses the divergent pathway of revenge. With a laser-beam focus, he identifies his targets and then cuts straight to the kill. Sun hot. Blinding white....
Take away all a man has. Burn away every sense but that of pain. Blow away the ashes of everything he once was and will no longer be. What remains? So...
They are five rough characters in service of the mysterious and powerful Heart Witch of the Gods. She has tasked them to enshrine the latest acolytes of her Sinister Profligate Palm, a jewel-encrusted platinum talisman of unknown power. Follow them through benighted crevasses of the nation on a quest to recruit their sinister counterparts from the ranks of underworld outcasts, vagabonds and felons. A career burglar, doomed prostitute, football player rapist, psychotic teen, and precognitive child form an unholy alliance. What comes next?
They are five rough characters in service of the mysterious and powerful Heart Witch of the Gods. She has tasked them to enshrine the latest acolytes ...
As two adolescent boys struggle to survive the interior spaces of the American Midwest, they endure the inevitable rites of passage associated with the angst of puberty. Though their suburban surroundings present a facade of normalcy, the bullies who torment them are particularly craven and vicious. On the eve of profound personal discovery, they suffer a traumatizing assault that will irrevocably change their lives. Two awkward middle-school outcasts come together against their bullies when they author the "Modus Moronicon: A Functional Adolescent Guide for Surviving the Interior Spaces of...
As two adolescent boys struggle to survive the interior spaces of the American Midwest, they endure the inevitable rites of passage associated with th...
A contemporary incarnation of Janus, the two-faced god, Mordrake is not one man, but two, for he lives with a conjoined, parasitic twin. He is both Adonis and demon, gentleman and lunatic, and he has eyes in the back of his head. He is Mordrake and Mordrake's Whisper, the former a handsome young gentleman of renown and refinement, and the latter a silent, sinister mask fixed to the back of Mordrake's head. Though speechless, the mask of this parasitic twin frowns when its master laughs and it rejoices when Mordrake weeps, while hideous, vile and hateful, it incessantly whispers unspeakable...
A contemporary incarnation of Janus, the two-faced god, Mordrake is not one man, but two, for he lives with a conjoined, parasitic twin. He is both Ad...
During the summer of 1968, the Nightland, Incorporated carnival stopped in suburban Pecan Groves, Texas to stage a one week show. Its performances paralleled a three-man prison escape, the miraculous resurrection of a cherished young boy, and the mysterious appearance of a young lady with a potent pedigree. If the squalor of its Freak Show and the rigged games of its midway are now known only within the faded archives of history, then contemporary society is its primary benefactor and direct ancestor. We see its shadows and hear its echoes everywhere. Welcome to the Freak Show. We are it.
During the summer of 1968, the Nightland, Incorporated carnival stopped in suburban Pecan Groves, Texas to stage a one week show. Its performances par...
During the final years of the Soviet Union, the government started building an ultra-secret airbase in the center of a vast wilderness. Its secrecy outstripped its management such that construction continued despite its abandonment. Occasionally, an errant aircraft drops somebody on its tarmac, and they are never seen alive again. At the end of a late night international flight from India to Russia, a weary traveler finds himself deposited in a lonely gate of an empty terminal. As he navigates its endless gates and corridors, the hapless traveler begins to realize he has landed in no ordinary...
During the final years of the Soviet Union, the government started building an ultra-secret airbase in the center of a vast wilderness. Its secrecy ou...
Imagine the evilest person on Earth, someone who will eventually grow up to lead a vast slaughter of humanity. Now imagine that person as a small child. Could you kill her in her youthful innocence, empowered only by your understanding of what she might one day become? What might have happened if someone had murdered Adolph Hitler as a child? Could you pull the trigger on an infant to avoid Armageddon?
Imagine the evilest person on Earth, someone who will eventually grow up to lead a vast slaughter of humanity. Now imagine that person as a small chil...
Wrongfully convicted and long confined in one of the worst prisons in the United States, he is bitter and angry. Despite a million-dollar settlement, his thirst for vengeance cannot be peacefully appeased, and his lust for blood ultimately turns on the sort of crooked prosecutors who ruined his life. From city to city and state to state, he wreaks havoc on the justice system, one civil servant at a time. They say the road to hell is paved with good intentions. He agrees. Can they stop him, before he kills again?
Wrongfully convicted and long confined in one of the worst prisons in the United States, he is bitter and angry. Despite a million-dollar settlement, ...
On a campaign with Alexander the Great, while waging war on a high plateau above an un-named eastern sea, he suffered a bite from a giant canine. His life would never be the same. Wandering through the ages from continent to continent, an immortal, his only distraction from eternity is warfare. Having fought in every major war through human history's long, bloody list of such conflicts, he ultimately finds himself mired flanks-deep in the trenches of World War I. There, he encounters his own kind for the first time in three thousand years, and he realizes the other side is destined to win...
On a campaign with Alexander the Great, while waging war on a high plateau above an un-named eastern sea, he suffered a bite from a giant canine. His ...
The last frontier is not a destination of space, but of mind. Beyond the constraints and laws of human civilization, freedom is the rule and confinement the exception. Social authorities detest Far-World and all who voyage there, because therein lies the ultimate unknown, the ultimate fear, if only because that mysterious land lies far beyond mortal control. Is it pure imagination? Is it life beyond death? Because it is wonderful and strange, a rigid society long ago outlawed Far-World, but laws have never deterred a single seeker. If you plan to go there, be sure to pack a bag and plan to...
The last frontier is not a destination of space, but of mind. Beyond the constraints and laws of human civilization, freedom is the rule and confineme...