Conscientious objection does not exempt a Marine from active military service. However, to preclude a conflict between the needs of the service and the necessity to respect an individual's religious training and beliefs, no person with beliefs or convictions which would interfere with unrestricted assignments, regardless of Selective Service System classification, will be accessed into the Marine Corps.
Conscientious objection does not exempt a Marine from active military service. However, to preclude a conflict between the needs of the service and th...
Warfighting was published to establish a Marine Corps philosophy and doctrine presented in an easy-to-read format. Every officer should read and reread this text, to understand it, and to take its message to heart. Warfighting has stimulated discussion and debate from classrooms to wardooms, training areas to combat zones. The philosophy contained in this publication has influenced our approach to every task we have undertaken.
Warfighting was published to establish a Marine Corps philosophy and doctrine presented in an easy-to-read format. Every officer should read and rerea...
Marine Corps commanders and staffs at all levels should read, study, and be thoroughly conversant with the content of MCPD 1-0. The notion that "words matter," is embedded throughout this publication, which defines key terms to ensure Marines speak a common operational language. Inasmuch as MCPD 1-0 illustrates how the flexibility and rapid deploy ability of our task-organized, combined arms forces apply across the range of military operations, joint and multinational force commanders and their staffs can also use this publication to better understand Marine Corps capabilities and...
Marine Corps commanders and staffs at all levels should read, study, and be thoroughly conversant with the content of MCPD 1-0. The notion that "words...
The format standards detailed here are applicable to all contractor and Marine Corps personnel who developed technical publication under the IRM Standards and Guidelines Program. This standards is applicable to the Marine Corps Reserve.
The format standards detailed here are applicable to all contractor and Marine Corps personnel who developed technical publication under the IRM Stand...
The JAGMAN is a reference text for the legal advisors who serve in the Judge Advocate General's Corps. Regulations covered in this text include court-martial, environmental protection, tax and regulatory authority, international law, and maritime law.
The JAGMAN is a reference text for the legal advisors who serve in the Judge Advocate General's Corps. Regulations covered in this text include court-...
SECNAV M-5214.1: This Manual provides guidance to program managers and action officers who need to obtain information from the public, other Federal agencies, and within the DON and provides them with the procedures necessary to license their information requirements. It also provides guidance to assist information management control managers on the operation of their information collection programs.
SECNAV M-5214.1: This Manual provides guidance to program managers and action officers who need to obtain information from the public, other Federal a...
SecNav M-5213.1: This Manual specifies procedures for forms management within the Department of the Navy. Forms management ensures that forms provide needed information effectively, efficiently and economically. Information is vital to the success of any organization and provides the basis for management decisions. Specific types of data are needed to meet particular requirements and forms are a major means for providing a fast and easy method of collecting information. As information requirements change, effective forms management provides for improved forms and control of the proliferation...
SecNav M-5213.1: This Manual specifies procedures for forms management within the Department of the Navy. Forms management ensures that forms provide ...
SECNAV Manual M-5216.5 details the uniform standards for the management and preparation of correspondence throughout the Department of the Navy (DON)
SECNAV Manual M-5216.5 details the uniform standards for the management and preparation of correspondence throughout the Department of the Navy (DON)
This Manual specifies filing and record maintenance procedures and provides Standard Subject Identification Codes (SSIC) for the Department of the Navy (DON).
This Manual specifies filing and record maintenance procedures and provides Standard Subject Identification Codes (SSIC) for the Department of the Nav...
Direct Air Support Center (DASC) T&R Manual NAVMC 3500.95 details the revised standards and regulations regarding the training of DASC Operations crews.
Direct Air Support Center (DASC) T&R Manual NAVMC 3500.95 details the revised standards and regulations regarding the training of DASC Operations crew...