In recent years, low power design has become one of the prime focuses for digital VLSI circuits. As technology scales down, leakage currents in contemporary CMOS logic have become one of the main power consumers. Contrary to conventional methods for power reduction, operation of digital circuits in the subthreshold region minimizes power consumption in low-frequency systems. This book is based on pre-layout and post-layout simulations of a modified 9T full adder and 9T full adder circuit in subthreshold as well as super threshold region. The 9T circuit consists of a new logic, which is used...
In recent years, low power design has become one of the prime focuses for digital VLSI circuits. As technology scales down, leakage currents in contem...
This book gathers outstanding research papers presented in the International Conference on Computational Intelligence and Emerging Power System (ICCIPS 2021), held on March 9-10, 2021, at Engineering College Ajmer. ICCIPS 2021 is jointly organized by the Department of CSE and Department of EE, Engineering College Ajmer, Rajasthan, India. The topics covered in the book are collective intelligence, soft computing, optimization, cloud computing, machine learning, intelligent software, robotics, data science, data security, big data analytics, natural language processing, renewable energy, signal...
This book gathers outstanding research papers presented in the International Conference on Computational Intelligence and Emerging Power System (ICCIP...