Yesterday's Sun, a poignant debut novel from British author Amanda Brooke, finds a young woman having to choose between her own life and the life of her future child.
When newly married Holly and her husband Tom move into a charming old manor house in the English countryside, she couldn't have predicted that a mystical moondial would change her life--and her destiny.
In the style of Jodi Picoult, with memorable characters, and tender, warm, prose, Yesterday's Sun is a brilliant, suspenseful tale of free will versus fate; a heart-wrenching story of family and...
Yesterday's Sun, a poignant debut novel from British author Amanda Brooke, finds a young woman having to choose between her own life and t...
Newly married, newly pregnant, Lucy Robin is having trouble remembering the little things. Like what day she's due to visit her mother. Or where she left her shoes. Or whether she's left the gas hob on.
Forgetting the little things is annoying, but the more it happens, the more scared she gets. As her world gets smaller, soon both Lucy's life, and that of her unborn baby, are placed in danger.
But is there something more sinister behind Lucy's forgetfulness? Her husband doesn't think...
How far would you go to save your marriage?
How far would you go to save your life?
Newly married, newly pregnant, Lucy Robin is having...