Drama. Translated from the German and French by Rob Melrose. This collection brings together new translations of three classic modernist plays: WOYZECK by Georg Buchner; PELLEAS AND MELISANDE by Maurice Maeterlinck; and UBU ROI by Alfred Jarry; with a foreword by Oskar Eustis of the Public Theater, an introduction by Paul Walsh of the Yale School of Drama, and an afterword by translator Rob Melrose.
"To bring these three plays together into a single volume is to embrace a heritage of modernist experiment, left us by young men in their 20s living in the 19th century. It is a...
Drama. Translated from the German and French by Rob Melrose. This collection brings together new translations of three classic modernist plays: WOYZEC...
Drama. Translated from the French by Rob Melrose. A new translation of the classic play. UBU ROI has divided audiences into passionate, dissenting camps since its 1896 premiere in Paris, an event that changed theater forever. With the first word of the play the audience erupted in pandemonium. People stormed the exits as fist fights broke out. UBU was a scatological mockery that challenged assumptions about good taste and good behavior, a performance that questioned the very nature of theater and divided the audience between those who came expecting the ordinary and those who came hoping for...
Drama. Translated from the French by Rob Melrose. A new translation of the classic play. UBU ROI has divided audiences into passionate, dissenting cam...