America and the Rogue States traces and examines the policies and interaction of the United States with the main adversarial nations in the post-Cold War era. The book concentrates on the three major rogue states-North Korea, Iran, and pre-invasion Iraq. What are termed as lesser rogue nations-Libya, Syria, Cuba, and the Sudan-receive summarized treatment in one chapter together with a brief discussion about why Afghanistan and Venezuela are not rogues. The author makes clear the distinctions among these confrontational regimes, noting that North Korea, Iran, and Saddam Hussein's Iraq aroused...
America and the Rogue States traces and examines the policies and interaction of the United States with the main adversarial nations in the post-Cold ...
This book describes how American international policy alternates between engagement and disengagement cycles in world affairs. A disengaged on noninvolved policy relies on normal economic and political interaction with other states, which seeks to disassociation from entanglements.
This book describes how American international policy alternates between engagement and disengagement cycles in world affairs. A disengaged on noninvo...