What drives your character? Why risk life and limb in the God forsaken ruins and wastelands of The Mutant Epoch? In issue 4 we offer 50 goals and obsessions to motivate your post apocalyptic character, and much more. EM-4 includes articles on how many adversaries a GM should throw at PCs, dice rolling methods to speed up game pace, creating handouts along with links to a heap of free sheets, the bonus offer method of character generation, more NPCs, wicked relics: Grenade Mat and Laser tipped bullets, plus three freaky creatures: the Waste Grazer, Pus Worm and Hackoid. Articles on the causes...
What drives your character? Why risk life and limb in the God forsaken ruins and wastelands of The Mutant Epoch? In issue 4 we offer 50 goals and obse...
Camping out in the ruins is insane But sometimes things go wrong and your dig team has no choice. If you're gonna do it, then issue 5 explains how. While the hapless PC's are having their sleep over in the rubble heaps, why not terrorize them? For the GM, we have an article on introducing horror into your post apocalyptic campaign. In this issue we also present more NPCs, 3 nasty new creatures: The Ponysapien, Botamorto and Gaswing, along with potent relics: the Medusa Stun Staff, Energy Shield, Tactical Knife and Recon Carbine. A new character generation method is also included bringing you...
Camping out in the ruins is insane But sometimes things go wrong and your dig team has no choice. If you're gonna do it, then issue 5 explains how. W...
Now you can get all six copies of Excavator Monthly Magazine in one book Each article, relic, mutant beast, non-player character and other feature has been placed into categories within this hefty tome. Never forget a copy again. Both game masters and players of The Mutant Epoch role playing game can carry all the magazines in one handy book and quickly flip to any resource with ease. Excavator Monthly Compendium includes: 27 Nasty Mutant Creatures 13 Potent Relics 6 Alternate Character Generation Methods 2 New Skills: Acrobatics and Archery 12 Non-Player Character Friends and Foes 162...
Now you can get all six copies of Excavator Monthly Magazine in one book Each article, relic, mutant beast, non-player character and other feature ha...