"DUCK-GIRL MAGAZINE: the 'Super-fi' & Fantasy of Bon Comics" follows in the tradition of previous superhero inspired magazines (such as SPIDER-MAN MAGAZINE and TOO MUCH COFFEE-MAN...). Many funny otaku-themed departments featured each month. This magazine will be published quarterly (every 3 months, totally 4 times a year).
"DUCK-GIRL MAGAZINE: the 'Super-fi' & Fantasy of Bon Comics" follows in the tradition of previous superhero inspired magazines (such as SPIDER-MAN MAG...
Production book for "the Audacious Duck-Girl" / "Duck-Girl" season 3 of the animated series and the third year of her comics series (which would be 1996). Marks the return of the Mutable Ms. Platypus (who has mutated) WARNING: Contains partial Nudity. All characters and contents TM Trademark & Copyright 2011-2012 Brian R. Bondurant.
Production book for "the Audacious Duck-Girl" / "Duck-Girl" season 3 of the animated series and the third year of her comics series (which would be 19...