Daily spiritual meditations for Bible study and prayer for Advent through Epiphany seasons. Annunciation, incarnation and manifestation... These three words provide the connections between the seasons of Advent, Christmas and Epiphany. They are also links to the major theme of the seasons: the son of God coming into the world.... These three seasons together draw sharply into focus the fulfillment of God's promise to us in the birth of Jesus Christ our Redeemer.
Daily spiritual meditations for Bible study and prayer for Advent through Epiphany seasons. Annunciation, incarnation and manifestation... These three...
Via Dolorosa (Lat. "sorrowful way") or Via Crucis (Lat. "the way of the Cross") is the path believed to be taken by Jesus from the place of his condemnation by Pilate to Mount Golgotha, the site of his crucifixion, and then to his grave site. Early Christians continued the ancient Jewish practice of pilgrimages to Jerusalem. Out of this practice came the tradition of the Stations of the Cross as a series of commemorative devotions or meditations.
Via Dolorosa (Lat. "sorrowful way") or Via Crucis (Lat. "the way of the Cross") is the path believed to be taken by Jesus from the place of his condem...
Via Dolorosa (Lat. "via dolorosa") o Via Crucis (Lat. "el Camino de la Cruz") es el sendero que se cree fue percorrido por Jesus desde el lugar de su condena por Pilato al Monte Golgota, el lugar de su crucifixion, y luego al lugar de su tumba. Los primeros cristianos continuaron la antigua practica judia de peregrinaciones hacia Jerusalen. De tal practica nace la tradicion de las Estaciones de la Cruz como una serie de devociones conmemorativas y devocionales."
Via Dolorosa (Lat. "via dolorosa") o Via Crucis (Lat. "el Camino de la Cruz") es el sendero que se cree fue percorrido por Jesus desde el lugar de su ...