The movement of an electron around the atomic nucleus has today a great importance in many engineering fields. Electronics, aeronautics, micro and nanotechnology, electrical engineering, optics, lasers, nuclear power, computing, equipment and automation, telecommunications, genetic engineering, bioengineering, special processing, modern welding, robotics, energy and electromagnetic wave field is today only a few of the many applications of electronic engineering. This first chapter presents shortly a new and original relation which calculates the radius with that the electron is running...
The movement of an electron around the atomic nucleus has today a great importance in many engineering fields. Electronics, aeronautics, micro and nan...
Development and diversification of machines and mechanisms with applications in all areas of scientific research requires new systematization and improvement of existing mechanical systems by creating new mechanisms adapted to the modern requirements, which involve more complex topological structures. Modern industry, the practice of engineering design and manufacture increasingly rely more on scientific research results and practical. The processes of robotisation of today define and influence the emergence of new industries, with applications in specific environmental conditions, handling...
Development and diversification of machines and mechanisms with applications in all areas of scientific research requires new systematization and impr...
Energia regenerabila este energia care provine din resursele naturale cum ar fi lumina soarelui, vantul, ploaia, mareele, si caldura geotermala, toate acestea fiind regenerate automat (pe cale naturala). In 2008, circa 19% din consumul total de energie al planetei a provenit din energiile regenerabile, grosul de 13% fiind obtinut din biomasa traditionala, care a fost utilizata in principal pentru incalzire, iar 3.2% a provenit din hidroelectricitate. Restul de 2,7% a fost obtinut prin metode moderne ca (micro hidrocentrale, biomasa moderna, vant, soare, geotermal, biocombustibili, etc), dar...
Energia regenerabila este energia care provine din resursele naturale cum ar fi lumina soarelui, vantul, ploaia, mareele, si caldura geotermala, toate...