Georgia's Recipes is a collection of doggie delicacies you can make at home from ingredients commonly found in your kitchen. 13 recipes are included, each recipes named after one of Georgia's real life relatives - her mom & dad, sisters, brothers and cousins all share their favorite treats.
Georgia's Recipes is a collection of doggie delicacies you can make at home from ingredients commonly found in your kitchen. 13 recipes are included, ...
Biscuits, Balls & Bones, a dog's search for happiness, is written & illustrated by Anne Manera. The story of how a dog named Georgia realized that happiness exists in the everyday moments is told.Everyday dogs and people are faced with a choice, enjoy life or change it so you do. If you look close enough there is always something to smile about.
Biscuits, Balls & Bones, a dog's search for happiness, is written & illustrated by Anne Manera. The story of how a dog named Georgia realized that hap...