Hi, we are Zoom Zoom and Zip Zip We are two very lucky fillies that have a very good life. We have lots of good green grass and our owner, Pat Pat, feeds us good grain twice a day. We live close to the Sabine River in East Texas and get to go riding along it often. This tells you a little about our surroundings and where we live.
Hi, we are Zoom Zoom and Zip Zip We are two very lucky fillies that have a very good life. We have lots of good green grass and our owner, Pat Pat, f...
Hi, we are Zoom Zoom and Zip Zip We are two very lucky fillies that have a very good life with our loving owner, Pat Pat. We live close to the Sabine River in East Texas. We don't usually get a lot of snow in the winter, but when we do, we love to have lots of fun with all the other animals that live nearby.
Hi, we are Zoom Zoom and Zip Zip We are two very lucky fillies that have a very good life with our loving owner, Pat Pat. We live close to the Sabine...