Sleepy Time Space Tales is a group of ten children's stories, set on far off planets and in other galaxies, filled with magic, misadventures, mirth, and morals, loosely based on such tales as Pinnochio, the Pied Piper, Cinderella, and other classic bedtime stories. The age range for these stories appear to be as low as three years and as high as thirteen and should likely be targeted for pre-teens.
Sleepy Time Space Tales is a group of ten children's stories, set on far off planets and in other galaxies, filled with magic, misadventures, mirth, a...
Christian Children Growing up in God's Galaxies is a group of ten children's stories, set on far off planets and in other galaxies, filled with faith, Bible teachings, faith lessons and Christian tenets, mixed with adventures, mirth, and morals: loosely based on such tales as Pinnochio, the Pied Piper, Cinderella, and other classic bedtime stories. The age range for these stories appear to be as low as three years and as high as thirteen and should likely be targeted for pre-teens.
Christian Children Growing up in God's Galaxies is a group of ten children's stories, set on far off planets and in other galaxies, filled with faith,...