This is a down to earth collection of poems for those who love and more interestingly for those who do not love poetry. Poetic rhymes are the vehicles, Tasos Yacalis uses to convey wisdom about life. Love, marriage, sex, courage, freedom, joy, rejection and conscience are some of the areas that are touched through the eyes of not only an experienced psychologist but most importantly those of a sensitive human being. Brief explanatory prose prior to each group of poems ease the reader into understanding and appreciating the poems more. One of the central message of the book is that life is...
This is a down to earth collection of poems for those who love and more interestingly for those who do not love poetry. Poetic rhymes are the vehicles...
Kapoia paidia erxontai antimetopa me tin eklektiki alalia. Auto simainei oti se kapoies periptoseis adinatoun na milisoun logo tou agxous kai tou fovou pou niothoun. Etsi h eklektiki alalia ginetai mia filaki pou sterei apo to paidi ena megalo meros tis paidikotitas kai tou authormitismou tou. Se auto to biblio duo psychologoi enosan tis dinameis tous kai mazi prospathisan na voithisoun ena paidi me eklektiki alalia kai tin oikogeneia tou. O therapeutikos xwros htan gia to paidi h paidiki xara, tin idia stigmi pou h oikogeneia epixeirouse na antilifthei kai na allaxei tis sinthikes pou...
Kapoia paidia erxontai antimetopa me tin eklektiki alalia. Auto simainei oti se kapoies periptoseis adinatoun na milisoun logo tou agxous kai tou fovo...
Aesop beautifully illustrated through the use of animals the weaknesses and inconsistencies of humans ending each story with a moral awakening. The author, in a similar fashion, making use of true life stories takes us on a journey that reaches into the depths of the human soul. The stories are related with a delightful sense of humor, compelling interest and suspense.
Aesop beautifully illustrated through the use of animals the weaknesses and inconsistencies of humans ending each story with a moral awakening. The au...
In this semi- autobiographical tale that spans every aspect of the protagonist' s life, Tasos Yacalis tells us the adventures of Sosat Silacay in his search for love. The slums of New York during the depression years were Sosat' s playground. A time when everyone was struggling to survive and yet a time when it was easier for people to feel more alive. Living life in the raw, from playing in the alleys amidst gangs and bullies to the eye-opening experiences as a US Marine, provided him with the first lessons of what life is all about and the important role love, or its absence, plays in it....
In this semi- autobiographical tale that spans every aspect of the protagonist' s life, Tasos Yacalis tells us the adventures of Sosat Silacay in his ...