George Edward Moore (1873 - 1958) gehort mit Bertrand Russell, Ludwig Wittgenstein und ihren Vorlaufern Bernard Bolzano, Franz Brentano und Alexius Meinong zu den Begrundern der analytischen Philosophie. Wahrend die anderen genannten Philosophen auch in Deutschland stets groe Beachtung gefunden haben, war dies bei G.E. Moore nicht der Fall. Dies ist um so erstaunlicher als Moore in einem ganz besonders gut verstandlichen Stil schreibt und seine Philosophie stets vom common sense ihren Ausgang nimmt. Die historischen Grundlagen der Philosophie G.E. Moores liegen im englischen Empirismus und...
George Edward Moore (1873 - 1958) gehort mit Bertrand Russell, Ludwig Wittgenstein und ihren Vorlaufern Bernard Bolzano, Franz Brentano und Alexius Me...
Assisted dying is still an extremely contested topic in Bioethics. Despite the strongly influential role human dignity plays in this debate, it still has not received the appropriate, multi-faceted treatment it deserves. Studies show that the notion of dignity already plays an important role in medical contexts: it is frequently used by health care professionals as well as patients. However, its use in these contexts needs to be analyzed and explained in more detail. Moreover, a review of the available literature clearly shows that the general, highly fruitful academic debate on human dignity...
Assisted dying is still an extremely contested topic in Bioethics. Despite the strongly influential role human dignity plays in this debate, it still ...